Saturday 1 December 2012

Thursday 23 August 2012

Sunday 19 August 2012

Eid Mubarak

happy eid mubarak to all muslim over the world
wish you have a very beautiful Eid.

Sunday 22 July 2012

Ya Ali

“Work for a Better Life as if you live forever,
And work for Better End as if you die tomorrow” 

Friday 20 July 2012

Ramadan kareem

Not really a "Ramadan Poem" but since Ramadan is the month of Repentance:

Come, Come again!
    Whatever you are…
    Whether you are disbeliever,
    idolater or fireworshipper.
    You have broken your vows
    of repentance a hundred times
    this is not the gate of despair,
    this is the gate of hope.
    Come, come again…

Sunday 8 July 2012

Invitation card design

invitation card sample designed by ahmadhussain
more detail is coming soon inshallah

Sunday 1 July 2012

Monday 11 June 2012

ya zainab

The sun is setting, ya Zainab
do you remember?
Just like Karbalaa
the sky is weeping, again..

It feels your pain, ya Zainab
and cries in unison with you
but no
Under this red sky you have no true abode
and you are ultimately alone.

Tell me about your sufferings, ya Zainab
Is that Aun and Mohammad's empty mattress?
Tell me, what did they do to you?
Show me the face they beat, ya Zainab
and the tears they induced.

What is that you are hearing, ya Zainab?
The echo of Sakinah's desperate cry?
No, Zainab, no
She is gone too.

Is that Husayn's smiling face you see?
No no
It's the brother that your grandfather wept over, as he was born.

Where will you go, ya Zainab?
Rasool is gone, long gone
and Sajjaad is broken in body and soul.

Run into the desert
run, ya Zainab
and cry like you never have before
Cry so that the fountain of rage and hurt escapes you, ya Zainab
My lady, what has happened?
Why do you feel shame?
Cry so that even the headless body of Husayn hears you
Cry so that if Abbaas had hands, he would raise them in supplication for you.
Cry so that Rasool feels the pain as he rests in Madinah

My lady, she has come to comfort you
Can you see her in the distance?
This is what you need, ya Zainab
Go and embrace her arms
and tell her your sufferings
Embrace her, ya Zainab
for she has come to you at last.

Friday 1 June 2012

19th memorial of afshar tragedy

19th memorial of afshar tragedy

Wednesday 30 May 2012

graphic design

Graphic Designers needed for multinational advertising agency
Send me your VC 